Hey! My name’s Lukas, also known as Foxmosis, and this is my website!  I’ve been making stuff online since 2008ish with varying degrees of seriousness and I studied at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design where I got a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Comic Arts.

And this is the About page where I tell you about myself!  An attempt to make a good impression, yeah?  Here’s the thing though I really don’t care for writing about myself like this.  It’s awkward!  It’s not like we’re having a conversation where we can naturally bring things up.  So if anything it just feels like I’m talking to myself about myself.  Which is about as fun as it sounds.

Anyways, my name’s still Lukas.  I like to create a lot of different things such as comics, videos, animations, music, and short films.  And really whatever else crosses my mind, like this website for example!  I needed some help but I basically did the whole thing by myself.  (You can check out the Credits page for the finer details.)  Lately I’ve started to dislike how the internet has been shaping up.  It’s all very commercialized and the layouts have been standardized.  It’s ended up becoming a very user-centric experience rather than community-centric experience like it used to be and that I long for it to be again. So this website has acted as a way for me to escape from some of that and use it as a form of expression.  A way of freeing myself from the things that I feel hold me down.

I would say a lot of that mentality goes into my work, regardless of the medium.  And I think the best way to feel free is to infuse as much raw emotion and feeling into my work that I can fit in there.  Sometimes that’s goofy, sometimes that melancholy, but regardless it’s all me.  Except when I’m working with others, then it’s all us working together.  Which is awesome!  It’s incredible that we can make something together and I cherish the opportunities to do such a thing.  If you are curious about some of the bigger endeavors that I have taken on you should go check out the Projects page.  Some of my proudest work is there and I’d be flattered if you ended up checking any of it out.

I think that was an all right “About” blurb!  Hopefully you have a better idea of who I am and what I’m about.  If you’d like to get in contact with me and you’re a fan feel free to leave a message in my Guestbook.  If you’re a potential client or employer then feel free to send a message to my e-mail.  If you’re a fan I suppose you could also send a message there as well!  I’ll leave the e-mail address along with various other websites I’m on below.  My name is Lukas and I hope you have a good day, later!





